My Travel Bucket List

Remember in July when I said I wanted to start blogging more regularly again?  Well, it's September 1st and I have done nothing.  It's actually terrible.  Summer was supposed to be the revival of the blog and I start sixth form on September 6th so I don't know how much time I'll have to blog then.  I was thinking of starting a Youtube channel over the summer, but of course, never got round to that.  But it is something that really interests me and I would really like to do so I can see that happening in the kind of near future.  But for now, as summer ends and school looms ahead of me, I'm going to torture myself by listing all of the places in the world I currently want to visit.  Trust me, by the end of this post some of these places will be on your travel list too...

1: Paris

I've wanted to go Paris since I was about 7 years old I think.  The main reason for it back then was because of Disneyland but it was probably when I was around 10 that I wanted to go because of the huge influence on fashion the city has.  
I'm currently trying to convince my parents to take me for my 18th birthday next year but they don't seem to be warming up to that idea any time soon unfortunately... Either way, I'm determined to go one day, and since I can literally get a train there from St Pancras station it seems plausible, right?

2: Italy-





Amalfi Coast:



Honestly, Italy is so beautiful it makes me cry.  As you can see, there are 8 places in Italy that I want to visit but tbh I'd like to do a tour of the whole country.  


My mum went Amsterdam when she was younger and she always says how lovely it is there. To me, it just seems like one of those cities that you have to try and visit at least once in your life; to experience and appreciate it.  Also, when they go there in The Fault in our Stars movie it looks beautiful.


The first non-European country on my list, I've wanted to go Dubai for years.  Truth be told, it does scare me slightly with how shiny and majestic it seems but it's so beautiful there I have to go one day.  My aunt lived there for a while when I was younger and she told me about the shopping festival they have there every year and I'm now determined to attend that at least once in my life.


Annnnnnnnd we're back to Europe.  Greece looks absolutely stunning and my mum lived there for a short while in her youth and she confirmed it's just as beautiful as the photos make it look.  The second photo here just messes me up it's so gorgeous.

Disney World, Florida:

I am such a big Disney fan and I've wanted to go Disneyland or Disney World since I was 5 years old.  I'm 17 on Sunday and it's still on my places I need to go list.  I'm totally fine with visiting Disneyland Paris when I go Paris but I need to visit the original one in Florida at least once in my life.  I'm not saying it looks magical because that's cheesy af... but it looks magical. 

New York:

There was a point when I really wanted to move to New York and live there when I'm older.  Although that passed I still want to visit the city.  It seems like such an experience and I kind of want to walk the streets that Friends and Gossip Girl were set in.


So, that's it!  These are the places that are at the top of my list but there are quite a few more places that I want to go, like Abu Dhabi, Canada and Australia.  
I hope you enjoyed looking through all of the photos of these gorgeous counties and cities and I also hope you were inspired and now have a few more places to add to your own travel bucket list (if you don't want to visit Italy after all of those photos then I don't know what's wrong with you tbh).

                                                                                                                                   Haleemah x

*All photos are collected from Google Images


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