How to Get Over Regretting Silly Moments in Life


As a sixteen year old I haven't exactly lived enough life to regret a lot of it however, believe me when I say that 12-14 year old me did a really good job of creating some real good things that I deeply regret.  I'm not even talking about super deep things, just the kinds of things that when I think back to them a visible cringe goes through my whole body.  And unfortunately, some of these things are available and visible on the internet which just makes it 300x worse.
I know I'm not the only one.  That's just a fact.  We're all embarrassed about something and we all regret stuff our stupid former self did.  I can already see myself regretting this post... honestly, I can already see myself regretting this whole phase of my life.  God bless those who don't go through the "I'm going to embarrass myself for the next six years of my life and maybe calm down at twenty" phase.  Some people don't even get over that phase so I guess I'm somewhat lucky if I do.

At this point in my life, the prime years of making mistakes and being an embarrassment, I'm trying to overcome the crippling fear of regretting everything I am currently doing because I regret almost everything I did for the past four years or so.  And I believe the first step to overcoming that fear is just accepting that life is going to be full of horrible, embarrassing moments and everyone has them.  I don't care who you are, you have done at least one thing you look back on and it sends shivers up your spine.
Accepting and owning up to your past embarrassments helps too.  By that I mean when a sibling or friend brings up that horrific incident from two years ago just try to laugh and shake it off.  Unless it's really bad and there is photographic evidence... you need to burn that and then you can laugh.

Another thing is trying to not let other people effect you.  It's bad enough when you think about something you did that makes you cringe, when someone else brings it up just to remind you and laugh it's even worse.  The way I deal with that, usually, is just by showing how unbothered I am and then subtly changing the subject.  I'll maybe laugh a little, or groan and just state how terrible I was and then move on.  From experience, this usually just shows the other person how uninterested you are and they move on.

I guess I'm not really sure what this post is properly supposed to be.  I just wanted to share some of my feelings in relation to embarrassing and cringe moments in life.  I haven't actually been affected by any super embarrassing moments in my life so far, which just leads me to believe they're being saved for when I'm in my twenties or something when they can happen at university or during job interviews so they can really mess me up.

Nevertheless, I hope someone got something from this short piece of advice.  I might edit this post if I think of any more things because right now it's 2am and this is all I have.

Thanks for reading and I hope you stick around for future posts.  I'm actually quite excited to be blogging again and I hope to be posting a lot more regularly now.

                                                                                                                                Until next time,


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